For those interested, here is a more detailed explanation of the analysis we do and the method we use in making handicap adjustments.

Previous Series Results - We look at the mix of classes by configuration to see what range of single v double handers, single sail v multiple sail, no trapeze v 1 or 2 trapezes, handicap less than 1000 and more than 1000 are in the top 20.  We are looking to see a good mix which there seems to be.
SWS Top 20 Classes 2012-24.pdf SWS Top 20 Classes 2012-24.pdf
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Type : pdf
SWS Top 20 Configs 2012-24.pdf SWS Top 20 Configs 2012-24.pdf
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Type : pdf
Previous Series Participation - We look at how many of each class has participated compared to that classes Nationals.  This is to see what if any effect our handicap changes are having in participation.  From what we see, class plans to make the winter series part of their own traveller series have a much greater impact than handicaps.
SWS Participation by Class  2012-24.pdf SWS Participation by Class 2012-24.pdf
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Type : pdf
Series Results Data Analysis - We now have results going back in full to 2013 and in part to 2010.  We have primarily been using rolling 5 year data to guide changes.  However we do also check the full report to see that the suggestions from the RYA PYS system are not fluctuating significantly.
SWS 5 Year Rolling 2018-24.pdf SWS 5 Year Rolling 2018-24.pdf
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Type : pdf
SWS Full PYS 2013-24.pdf SWS Full PYS 2013-24.pdf
Size : 45.916 Kb
Type : pdf
Adjusting Handicaps - For classes where we do not have any data and the RYA has a published number, we start by using these.  For established classes with class suggested handicaps we also use these where possible.  Having run the series data through the RYA system we then make adjustments provided this is consistent with our view of the change needed.  To avoid large changes, and increasing then decreasing handicaps we use the PYS confidence as opposite to guide adjustments.

 Use of PYS Data
Confidence      Change
0.1        One third of gap, rounded down
       One half of gap, rounded down
0.3        One half of gap, rounded up
0.4         Three quarters of gap, rounded down
0.5         Three quarters of gap, rounded
0.6         Three quarters of gap, rounded up
0.7              All of gap
0.8         All of gap
0.9          All of gap